
Successful integration of CCP.A components into the EXAA trading system

We are very pleased to inform you about the successful installation of the new CCP.A functionalities in the EXAA trading system. All activities were completed as planned and the system is now available again.

As of trading day November 9, 2021, CCP.A will take over the financial and physical settlement as well as the risk management for power trading at EXAA.

The new Clearing & Risikomanagement features

In the following, we would like to give you a brief overview of the new features regarding clearing and risk management, which are now available to you via the EXAA trading system.

Under the Risk Management menu you will now find the following information:

  • Risk Values
    • Result of the last margin calculation and historical values, details of the margin requirements and the currently deposited collateral
  • Collateral
    • Overview of the type and amount of collateral deposited (bank guarantees, cash and securities collateral)
  • Collateral (Default Fund)
    • Cash collateral deposited for the default fund
  • Default Fund Calculation
    • Result of the last as well as historical default fund calculations

In addition, we would like to draw your attention to a new, important option under the Trading tab, which should give you an even better preview of the indicative collateral utilisation based on your bids and offers for the 12:00 Market Coupling Auction.

MC Collateral Usage

  • Check the 12:00 Market Coupling Risk Prices for Buy and Sell
  • Check the indicative awarding in MW for each product and MC portfolio based on the EXAA 10:15 auction Market Clearing Prices for the same delivery day
  • Check the resulting indicative invoice positions for each MC portfolio for the 12:00 Market Coupling auction
  • Check the collateral usage in EUR and % based on the sum of indicative and open invoice positions

To guarantee maximum transparency, the described functionalities can now be viewed by all users with the following user roles in the EXAA trading system:

  • Senior Trader (STR)
  • Trader (TRD)
  • Commercial Representative (COR)
  • Member Supervisor (MSV)

Link to the clearing system

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either under energy​(a)​ or under +43 1 5332244 2055.