
Online Workshop: Collaterals vs. Trade Limits (Electricity Clearing)

We can now look back on 2.5 weeks of Clearing & Risk Management by CCP.A and are very satisfied with the successful changeover and the overall result so far.

However, as the experience of the last few weeks has shown, many things are still new for you as a trading participant and some things have to settle in first. In order to support you in this process in the best possible way, we would like to invite you to a joint online workshop, even if at short notice, where the two teams from EXAA and CCP.A will be happy to answer all your questions:

Thursday, 2 December 2021

  • from 14:00-15:00 (German)
  • 15:00-16:00 (English)

The workshop will be interesting for traders as well as for your internal risk management/back office team and will focus on the following topics:

  • Risk Values - lower minimum collateral requirements due to T+1 clearing incl. explanation of the calculation methodology/process of assessing the risk positions
  • Position/Trade Limits - connection with the deposited collateral and how you can successfully avoid a short-term order reduction

To receive the dial-in link, please write us a short e-mail to energy​(a)​

We are looking forward to your participation!

Your Teams from EXAA and CCP.A